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Natural Flavors vs. Vaporized Fruit in Your Protein Powder

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
When it comes to choosing the right protein powder for your health, understanding what's really in the ingredients can make all the difference.

Hi there, I’m Dr. Jess, and I’m thrilled to talk to you today about something I’m incredibly passionate about – your health and how daily choices can impact it. If you’re anything like me, you’re always striving to fuel your body with the best possible nutrition, and that’s where protein powders often come into play. But here’s the thing: not all protein powders are created equal, and the term “natural flavors” might not be as wholesome as it sounds.

The Deception of “Natural Flavors”

Let’s get one thing straight – when you see “natural flavors” on a label, it’s easy to assume that means healthy and clean. But, unfortunately, that’s not always the case. The FDA allows anything derived from plant or animal sources to be labeled as a natural flavor, even if it’s been heavily processed with chemicals. This means the “natural flavor” in your protein powder could hide a cocktail of synthetic substances not listed on the label.

As a practitioner who cares deeply about my patient’s health, I can’t stress enough how misleading this can be. These hidden chemicals can lead to inflammation, hormone disruption, and other issues. That’s why I’ve become very selective about the products I recommend and am excited to share my experience with Equip Foods.

Why Quality Matters in Protein Powder

Protein is essential for everything from muscle recovery to overall vitality. But when it comes to protein powder, quality is critical. I’ve seen too many patients struggle with bloating, digestive discomfort, and even worse issues from protein powders that are filled with low-quality ingredients and artificial additives.

When I first came across Equip Foods, I was immediately impressed by their commitment to quality. Their Prime Protein is made from grass-fed beef, which provides 21 grams of complete, bioavailable protein per scoop. This means you’re getting all the essential amino acids your body needs in a form that’s easy to digest and absorb. And the best part? It’s made with just a handful of natural food ingredients – no chemicals, fillers, or artificial junk.

The Truth About Equip Foods’ Natural Flavors

One of the things I love most about Equip Foods is their approach to flavoring. They use a process called vaporized fruit flavoring, which is as close to nature as you can get. This method distills vapors from organic compounds like vanilla, coconut, and strawberry. These aren’t your typical “natural flavors,” which are often anything but natural. They are pure, unadulterated flavors from real fruits, processed without chemicals or artificial ingredients.

This is a game-changer for someone like me, who’s incredibly cautious about what goes into my body. I can enjoy the great taste of Equip Foods Prime Protein, knowing that the flavors are coming from natural food sources, not a lab.

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How Equip Foods Processes Their Grass-Fed Beef

I often get asked how the grass-fed beef in Equip Foods’ protein powder is processed. I’m proud to share that they use only thermal and mechanical processing – no chemicals. This means the beef is treated with controlled heat to ensure safety and then mechanically broken into a fine powder, preserving all the nutritional goodness.

This method is essential because it maintains the protein’s integrity, ensuring you get the full benefits without unwanted additives. When I recommend Equip Foods to my patients, I do so with complete confidence that they’re getting a product as close to nature as possible.

Why I Choose Grass-Fed Beef

I’m a massive advocate for grass-fed beef, and for good reason. Grass-fed beef is richer in Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart health, and packed with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene. Plus, from an environmental perspective, grass-fed cattle are typically raised on pasture, which supports healthier ecosystems and promotes biodiversity.

When you choose a product like Equip Foods Prime Protein, you’re not just choosing a protein powder – you’re choosing a product that’s better for your body and better for the planet. That’s something I can get behind wholeheartedly.

Beyond Protein: Equip Foods’ Other Products

While focusing on Prime Protein, Equip Foods offers a range of products that support your health from every angle. Whether you’re looking for a clean pre-workout, a natural source of carbohydrates, or supplements to support your gut health, Equip Foods has you covered.

For example, their PurePre Workout is an excellent choice if you’re looking to enhance your performance without the crash that often comes with other pre-workout supplements. It’s made with only the essentials – no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. And if you need a clean carbohydrate source, Equip Foods’ CleanCarbs delivers all the benefits of this superfood in a convenient form.

My Commitment to Transparency and Quality

As someone who values transparency and integrity, I’m proud to align myself with a company like Equip Foods. They’re upfront about their ingredients and processes and share my commitment to providing only the best for their customers. When you choose Equip Foods Prime Protein, you choose a product free from hidden chemicals, fillers, and artificial ingredients. You’re choosing something carefully vetted and meticulously sourced, just as I would choose for myself.

Why Equip Foods Stands Out

In today’s crowded market, getting lost in the sea of protein powders is easy. But Equip Foods stands out because they prioritize quality over quantity. They don’t cut corners, and they don’t use misleading labels or marketing tactics. Their products are designed with your health in mind, from grass-fed beef to the vaporized fruit flavoring.

Every step of their process is focused on providing you with the best possible product. I’ve seen firsthand how this level of care and attention to detail can make a huge difference in your health and well-being. That’s why I trust Equip Foods, and that’s why I’m excited to share their products with you.

The Future of Protein Powders

As more people become aware of what’s in their food, the demand for clean, transparent products will only grow. Equip Foods is at the forefront of this movement, offering delicious protein powder.

Protein powders’ future lies in simple ingredients, processing, and natural flavors. With Equip Foods Prime Protein, you choose a product that aligns with these values. You’re choosing a product made with care, from start to finish, with your health in mind.

Conclusion: Make the Informed Choice

When it comes to something as crucial as your protein powder – something you might consume daily – it’s worth taking a closer look. “Natural flavors” might sound innocent, but they can often be anything but. By choosing products like Equip Foods Prime Protein, you’re not just choosing great taste – you’re choosing a commitment to your health.

Equip Foods is here to help you make informed choices that align with your health goals. I encourage you to look closely at what’s in your protein powder and ask yourself if it’s the best option. With Equip Foods, you can trust that you’re getting the highest quality product, made with natural ingredients and designed to support your health in every way.

Informed Consent – Your health is worth it, and so are you.

Much Love, Dr. Jess

Save 15% off Equip Foods with Code DRJESS, Click Here

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