NEW: Dr. Jess master-antioxidant formulation with glutathione, full spectrum of vitamins B, C and E for liver, protection, detoxification, cellular function to optimize every aspect of your health – including immunity, digestive, mood, and skin health

Be Your Best Doctor with Dr. Jess

Enhance Body, Mind, and Spirit Naturally

Your body has a natural detoxification system. Today’s high levels of environmental toxicity overwhelm your body’s natural detox capabilities. Supporting your detoxification pathways helps you achieve optimal health.

  • Kill
  • Bind
  • Sweat

Dr. Jess has a philosophy for long-term well being and good health. Her approach focuses on recovering your natural health through a comprehensive detoxification program known as Gerson Therapy. This includes lifestyle and diet modification as well as balancing the body, mind, and spirit.

Take a look at the benefits:

Increase Energy Levels

Excess toxins lead to sluggishness. Eliminate them for higher energy levels.

Reduce Inflammation

Whole foods and higher levels of nutrients to help reduce inflammation.

Bolster Immune System

Detox aids your digestive and lymphatic systems, which strengthen a balanced immune system

Improve Mood

Eliminate toxins and free radicals from your body to improve your mental and emotional state.

Support Digestion

Remove toxins that interfere with proper metabolic function while developing healthier habits.

Promote Healthy Skin

Diet and environmental toxins impact your skin. Remove them to improve the appearance of your skin.

If you believe you could benefit from detoxification, please refer to the courses on detoxification pathways.


Health Through Nutrition: Help Your Body Heal Itself

Organic, natural foods restore your body’s ability to heal itself from chronic conditions and disease.
We approach healing holistcally by supporting body, mind and spirit.

Physical Health

Activity encourages your body to release unwanted pathogens or environmental toxins and improve circulation

Spiritual Well-Being

Keep your soul nourished just as you keep your body nourished

Mental Acuity

A healthy mind strengthens your body’s connectedness and enables healing

Enjoy Your Body’s Natural Ability to Defend Itself and Restore Balance

  • Increase your intake of nutrients with organic foods and juices
  • Full body detoxification utilizing the body’s innate drainage pathways
  • Strengthen your immune system at the cellular level
  • Greater appreciation for your body’s ability to heal itself
  • Reduced stress and inner calm

We provide our clients with the highest quality of care.

We dedicate our efforts to thoroughly educating you on environmental toxicity, stealth diseases, and the true nature of disease. At the same time, we share the knowledge about the underlying forces that drive the modern medical and pharmaceutical industry – the forces that also strive to discredit alternative therapies.

Learn How To Become Your Own Best Doctor


Insights and Tools for the Healing Journey

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

I Tried Red Light Therapy For 90-Days: A Medical Doctor’s Personal Results

After moving to Florida and noticing the toll the sun was taking on my skin, I decided to try red light therapy (RLT) using BonCharge’s Red Light Face Mask and Neck and Chest Mask for 90 days. Combining it with RF Microneedling and IPL laser treatments, I aimed to reduce sun damage, fine lines, and improve overall skin health. Red light therapy uses specific wavelengths to boost collagen production and improve circulation, and by the end of the trial, I saw significant improvements in skin texture, tone, and hydration. Sunspots faded, fine lines diminished, and my skin felt rejuvenated, making RLT a promising tool for skin and muscle recovery.

Friday, September 6th, 2024

Staying Strong After Menopause: Why Protein Is Key for Women’s Health

Postmenopausal women face unique challenges in maintaining muscle mass and strength due to hormonal changes. This blog explores how protein supplementation, when combined with resistance training, can help prevent muscle loss, improve strength, and support overall health, offering practical tips and research-backed advice to stay active and strong in later years.

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

Natural Flavors vs. Vaporized Fruit in Your Protein Powder

In a world filled with endless protein powder options, not all are created equal. Many contain hidden chemicals disguised as “natural flavors” that can do more harm than good. In this blog, Dr. Jess dives deep into the importance of choosing a clean, high-quality protein powder, highlighting Equip Foods Prime Protein as a standout choice for those who prioritize their health. Discover why grass-fed beef protein, free from fillers and artificial ingredients, is a game-changer for your wellness journey.

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

Light Up Your Life: Dr. Jess’s Secrets to Radiant Skin with Red Light Therapy

I’m excited to introduce you to red light therapy (RLT), a skincare treatment that’s complimenting beauty routines. By using specific wavelengths of light, RLT enhances cellular energy, stimulates collagen production, reduces inflammation, and promotes skin regeneration. This holistic approach not only addresses aging signs like wrinkles but also supports overall wellness by reducing stress.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

Ditch the Wireless: The Hidden Dangers of EMF & Why Wired Headphones Are Your Healthier Choice

Switching to wired headphones can significantly reduce your exposure to potentially harmful EMF radiation, offering a safer and more reliable alternative to wireless options.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

The Satiety Superhero Protein’s Power in Weight Loss

As a functional medicine doctor, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible benefits of a high-protein diet for weight loss and overall health. In fact, it has pertained to my own health as well. In this article, I’ll share three key ways protein intake can help you shed those pesky pounds and keep them off for good. […]

Thursday, October 29th, 2020

Vaccines and Informed Consent

The Polarizing Vaccine Debate I do not intend this to be a pro versus anti vaccine post. I am a conventionally trained medical doctor so I am more concerned about whether patients are able to make informed decisions about vaccinations since most doctors are not providing them with package inserts or a full risk profile. […]

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

Black Health Matters-4 Action Steps For Restoring Your Health

Black Health Matters – 4 Action Steps For Restoring Your Health It’s a difficult time for the black community. We are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 with black people being twice as likely to die. At a time when many of us are trying to shield ourselves from catching the virus we now feel called to […]

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Epstein Barr Virus: The Stealth Infection That Causes Autoimmunity to Cancer

What is Epstein Barr virus (EBV)? We’ve already learned from Jeffrey that most Epstein’s are predatory, and this one is no different. EBV is a human herpesvirus 4, which are some of the most contagious and common pathogens around. It is responsible for infectious mononucleosis, also known as glandular fever, or the kissing disease. The […]

Saturday, May 16th, 2020

Hormonal Problems? Could It Be an Estrogen Dominance?

Estrogen vs progesterone and effects on the body Estrogen increases cellular growth, especially in the uterus during the first part of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen also stimulates the maturation of the egg-containing follicle in the ovary. It is responsible for keeping the cervix the right consistency for possible implantation via the sperm. When it is in […]

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Best Treatment for Endometriosis Might be Cannabis

What is the endocannabinoid system? Let me explain a little about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system so that you can understand the science behind this misunderstood plant. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was never something we were taught about in medical school. It happens to run from your brain to your bowels…and the receptors, known as […]

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Naturally Treating the Thyroid with Diet

What does the thyroid do? The thyroid is frequently overlooked, but it is a critical organ to the overall functioning of your body. It is located in the middle of the lower neck, and it produces hormones that influence every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. It controls your energy levels and regulates metabolism. […]

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Your Brain on Glyphosate + Recovery Techniques

The far-reaching effects of brain disease 30 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. In the United States, 5.3 million people suffer from this specific dementia. That’s one in 8 Americans over the age fo 65. This number doesn’t even include other neurocognitive disorders like Parkinson’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), autism, […]

Monday, May 11th, 2020

The Dangers of Unstudied Frequencies on Our Health: 5G, EMR and WIFI

5G is here, so is it safe? I will always remember the day my dad came home from Panera Bread raving about “hot spots” that you could use to access the internet. Today, WiFi is ubiquitous. Mobile devices are necessary for everyday life. Our lives have become a blur of responsibility and hustle. It makes […]

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Why Am I Always Sick? Try These Holistic Remedies

The case of the patient with recurrent colds and fatigue Last week at my clinic, I saw a young 30 something girl who was very athletic and healthy for the majority of her life. In the last year, she began to feel fatigued, nauseated, run-down, and unable to properly function at her job. She often […]

Friday, May 8th, 2020

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Liver Healing Smoothie

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects one in ten women of childbearing age. It is a condition where certain hormones are out of balance. These imbalances typically show up as irregular menstrual cycles, a higher level of androgens (a type of hormone including testosterone) in the body, and small cysts in the ovaries. PCOS can cause symptoms including […]

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

Why You Should Care About HPV?

The Prevalence of HPV as a Cause of Cancer We know that human papillomavirus (HPV) causes a full 90% of cervical cancers. In addition, 95% of anal cancers, 65% of vaginal cancers, 60% of oropharyngeal cancers, 50% of vulvar cancers, and 35% of penile cancers have links to HPV. Our Weakened Immune System The toxic […]

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

How To Treat a Parasite Invasion-Yes, We All Have Them!

I met a man with parasites and they were destroying his life…. He was frail and thin when I met him. I could sense the pain. He spoke openly about the infestation and how allopathic medicine told him he was crazy after all tests came back negative. Conventional medicine, the world I once worked in, […]

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Risk Factors and Prevention for Osteoporosis

Managing long-term osteoporosis Clinically, the progression of osteoporosis is tracked using bone density scans. Managing the long-term risk of bone breakdown and risk of fracture is of the utmost importance in aging. Falls contribute to unintentional injuries and it’s these injuries at becoming a major predictor of longevity and the need for skilled nursing care […]

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Are Stealth Infections Like Lyme or Mold Behind Some Mental Health Diagnoses?

Biofilm disease, stealth infections, traumatic brain injuries, and psychiatry Inflammatory markers are well-documented in psychiatric literature. Stealth infections, like candida, herpes, mold, Lyme and its co-infections, can all elicit rampant inflammation and fatigue in the body by disrupting cytokine function and spinning the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis down, respectively. This is usually the first step in […]

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

How Safe Are Birth Control Pills?

Birth control pills are controversial Unfortunately, conventional medicine does not seek the causation of disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, PMS, menopause, or acne. Rather, physicians prescribe birth control pills to address symptoms. But, at what cost? Long-term use of birth control pills has been controversial. Research has shown risks for strokes, heart disease, thromboembolism, […]

Sunday, April 12th, 2020

Mold Illness and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

What is mycotoxin illness or CIRS? Mycotoxin illness results in chronic inflammatory response syndrome, aka CIRS. Mold is not the only culprit, although it is often involved. The cause of chronic inflammation is biotoxin illness, which may result from any pathogen with a biofilm. Biofilm is the sticky byproduct that many pathogens form to adhere […]

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

How Prime Protein Supports a Healthy Gut Microbiome: Evidence-Backed Benefits

If you’ve been following my work, you know I’m passionate about holistic health, and gut health is one of the most critical areas to address. Often referred to as the “second brain,” your gut influences everything from digestion to mood and immune function. While most people focus on fiber and probiotics to improve gut health, one overlooked yet essential factor is protein—especially high-quality, clean sources like Equip Foods’ Prime Protein Beef Isolate.

In this blog, I’ll explore the crucial role of protein in maintaining a balanced microbiome and strengthening your gut lining. I’ll also share insights from the Gut Zoomer test by Vibrant Labs, highlighting real-world examples of how protein can positively impact key gut health markers. This isn’t just theory—it’s actionable, science-backed information designed to help you optimize your health.

Real Progress from Real People Inspiration from those going through it


“Thank you for all of the info you put out there! I have had Lyme for three years and have paid out the nose for doctor visits/medical care but no one explained to me the reality behind parasites and pathogens and how to actually get rid of them in a simplified and effective way. GIRLFRIEND. I have been taking some Biocidin, Mimosa Pudica, and Biotoxin Binder plus doing your kill bind sweat method, and let me tell you, it is working like crazy. I have been passing huge quantities of parasites and passed an enormous one today! I might get my life back after all this! I have been searching for answers for three years. I have been so sick due to living in 2 different houses with toxic mold. The info you put out there has been life-saving. After passing so many parasites in two weeks into it, I have spent the last few days irate at our corrupt system. I now know why you are so passionately speaking out about the corruption in medicine. I had every single symptom of major parasites on the long list of symptoms and not one doc explained this process to me, It was only after I started researching your posts after stealth infections and heavy toxin overload that I understood that pathogens feed off of heavy metal toxins and those are passed through epigenetically. I started realizing how much I needed to detox them as a path forward. I’m sure there is much more I need to do but with the info, I have that you have given, its a much better start than where I was prior. It has been healing to have more answers. Thank you for the hope and clarity.”
Ali L. San Diego, CA
“I came to Dr. Jess for recurring BV. I felt like something was literally taking over me. A few days before my first appointment I did receive confirmation of ureaplasma. So I started her Kill bind sweat protocol. After becoming stagnant and after further evaluation, Dr. Jess put me on a parasite cleanse. On day 3 my face acne almost disappeared. Back acne completely gone. By week two my dark circles under the eyes, gone. My complexion was more even. What's most amazing is Dr. Jess cares about finding the source. A permanent cure. I’m so grateful.”
Nikki P. San Diego, CA
“When we met Dr. Jess we met not only an amazing and brilliant healer, but a compassionate, real human being who cares deeply for the health and wellness of everyone she sees as patients and those who she hasn't seen yet. After seeing over 15 doctors to help my daughter with her Lyme and Mold Dr. Jess lovingly offered to see her during my office visit. It took a few offers and then my daughter said YES. It has been the best ‘YES’ she ever said.  Dr. Jess found the root cause/hidden infection which no one ever knew of who had been treating her. She said, "girl it’s your teeth I am sure of it".  Sure as hell it was cavitations from wisdom teeth removal and a previous root canal. Both were extracted. Dr. Jess brings more heart and soul to her medical field than anyone I have ever met in my years on the planet. She texts to check in on my daughter, she treats her at all hours of the day and night including X mas eve. When we tell friends we Love our Dr. their expression tells us they have never met Dr. Jess. If you meet her you fall in love with her knowledge, her kind soul and sweet spirit. She is truly a gift to the health care profession because SHE CARES. We give thanks each night for her and know that in her care healing is not only possible but will happen.”
Robin G San Diego, CA
“I’m a 30 year old male living in Australia, diagnosed with hashimoto’s a year ago. I have not gotten the answers I was looking for from Drs here, initially being told everything was all in my head before the hashimoto’s diagnosis. I haven’t felt quite right for a few years now, but the last 2 years of my life have been a blur full of extreme fatigue, irritability, bloating, brain fog, hair loss, muscle and joint pain, poor sleep and a general lack of zest for life. I felt like a zombie, an absolute shell of the man I previously was. I contacted Dr Jess for an appointment and she promptly organized one via video conference. She has a kind, calm manner and I instantly felt at ease with her. She really took the time to actually listen to me. She was thorough in her questioning and addressed all my concerns and questions. I have started the protocol she has given me, and the results have been incredible. I have not lost weight (as I don’t really need to) but face and stomach are much less bloated, to the point I have received comments from my partner and others how well I am looking. I have a masculine jawline again rather than a moon face. This is with no change of diet or increase in exercise, the protocol was the only variable. My eyes are bluer and clearer, skin is looking better, energy increased tenfold and I can think much much clearer. I still have a way to go but am very excited to see my next blood test results soon as I feel I am much closer to getting the hashimoto’s into remission and reclaiming my life back. Looking forward to the next consult and continuing protocol!”
David B Australia
“I was diagnosed with Thyroid in 2015. Prior to finding Dr. Jess, I was suffering from extreme pain and fatigue. The worst of it would be about a week before my period, the pain would shoot down my legs making it unbearable to move. I often needed to take tramadol to keep me somewhat functioning. But thanks to Dr. Jess's clean and impressive formulation in her Thyroid and Hormone Master, I barely know that it’s that time of the month at all - with no pain and very little fatigue!  My results were almost immediate. I was like, WHO IS THIS PERSON AND WHAT MAGIC HAS SHE CREATED. lol. Because for years I had tried everything and anything with no results. Her Instagram page is loaded with free information to help you create a holistic lifestyle and to learn how to keep yourself, your family and your home safe and healthy.  I've implemented several of the things she suggests and I am feeling the benefits. From what I've observed over the past year and a half of following Dr. Jess, she is very giving of herself, her time and her medical knowledge. And clearly incredibly passionate about helping and educating everyone. She is also very kind and caring with a wonderful personality. I have nicknamed her The Peoples Dr. A very thankful person,        ”
Lori P Albuquerque, NM
“Dear  Dr. Jessica Peatross “The Original”, Thank you so much for teaching me about Kill. Bind. Sweat and so much more. You have been one of my best friends on my health journey. I look forward to meeting you one day. Thank you for everything you are doing and for teaching me so much! With love,”
Martine V San Diego, CA


Dr. Jessica Peatross United States

Learn With Me @DR.JESS.MD

Vaccine Protection & Detox Protocol

Download our free resource to learn how to support immune balance, soothe the nervous system/brain and support detoxification to reduce risks of adverse effects and enhance the response to most vaccines, ensuring adequate antibody response.

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