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This is a guest blog by the lovely and enlightened Emma Louise Follows, who volunteered to write a blog for my site to educate us all on racial inequality, particularly in the healthcare community. Do blacks get the same opportunities for health? Education and awareness are the first steps to changing the broken system.
Black Health Matters – 4 Action Steps For Restoring Your Health
It’s a difficult time for the black community. We are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 with black people being twice as likely to die. At a time when many of us are trying to shield ourselves from catching the virus we now feel called to take to the streets alongside one another to protest the shocking police brutality and recent violence against our people. As a health advocate I am angry that we feel the need to hide away from a virus that our bodies should be able to deal with. Our bodies can’t do their jobs because we are sick and run down and it is not our fault. The world isn’t set up to support us being in optimal health. Our food and air is toxic and our culture is set up to value productivity over rest. The good news is that we can heal this. I think this pandemic is a wake call and I’d like to support your wellness by offering 4 tips for restoring your health;
Vitamin D
We know that sufficient Vitamin D levels are essential for the immune system. We know that those who die of Covid-19 are likely to be deficient in Vitamin D. We also know that black people living in colder countries are almost always Vitamin D deficient unless they are supplementing. Now is the time to address Vitamin D deficiency. Have a blood test to determine your level and begin to replenish. You can take Vitamin D3 in spray form under the tongue for best assimilation. It doesn’t end there though. Did you know that in order to properly absorb Vitamin D, which is technically a hormone, your body requires Vitamin K2 . What’s more if you are taking high doses of Vitamin D and your body cannot properly use it it can cause hypercalcemia, excessively high levels of calcium in the blood. This can severely damage your kidneys and people of colour are already far more likely to develop kidney damage. Ensure you are getting enough Vitamin K2 regulates calcium accumulation and is essential to be taken alongside Vitamin D. Vitamin K2 can be found in fermented foods and organ meats but it can be difficult to get enough from your diet, so look at taking a fermented cod liver oil supplement to boost your K2 intake.
Cleanse and recolonise your gut
More than 60% of your immune system lives in your gut. What this actually means is that the friendly bacteria in your gut is what is responsible for fighting off bad bacteria that causes illness. Thanks to years of antibiotics, toxin exposure and insufficient breast feeding as children, many of us have an extremely compromised immune system. In the Caribbean it is customary to have a day of fasting or a couple of days eating very simply between seasons as a detox and reset. This is also an Ayurvedic practice and one that I do myself and offer to my customers on a seasonal basis. If you are run down consider starting your health journey with a short cleanse where you eat very simply, remove inflammatory foods like sugar and gluten, and take in herbs that will bind to and draw out toxins. From there, look at introducing raw, unpasteurised fermented foods like cultured vegetables as a way of recolonising your gut with pre and probiotics.
Once you have cleansed and begun recolonising with probiotics you will need to look at your diet onwards. Diabetes and high blood pressure are rife in the black community and so many people are on synthetic medication which is causing a whole host of other problems in their bodies. All the while the research has shown time and time again that both these issues can be reversed with diet. Eliminating refined carbs and adopting a diet of healthy protein, fats and lots of vegetables. This works not only to treat diabetes and high blood pressure but it will clear up other health problems you didn’t even know were connected to food. It is time to put down the junk our culture has been feeding us and let food be our medicine.
Rest has become a political issue for the black community
‘There is deep power in taking a break, honouring your body and actively participating in your deprogramming from grind culture. We have been brainwashed to be violent towards our own bodies by pushing it to exhaustion.’
@thenapministry – Instagram
Sleep is when our bodies regenerate and heal. It’s when we dream and our creativity ignites. Start going to bed half an hour earlier each night until you are asleep by 10pm at the latest. Your body gets the best quality sleep in the early part of the night so you want to attune your circadian rhthyms to sleep and rise early. Put aside time for daily meditation and stillness where you go inwards and feel your feelings. Let yourself feel our collective grief, your individual pain. Feel it all and let it move through you. I love to meditate on this line from T.S. Elliot:
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought. So the darkness shall be the light and the stillness the dancing.
T.S. Eliot taken from Wait Without Hope
As you rest and heal your creativity will flow, ideas and visions for our future as a community. We need us rested and creative.
As well as being a health advocate I’m also an employment lawyer. As a final thought, I’m concerned that whilst black people are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 we are also more likely to be working on the front line during this pandemic and accordingly exposed to the biggest viral load. If this is you and especially if you have an existing health condition please know that your employer has a duty of care to protect your health in the workplace. Demand to be risk assessed and redeployed away from the front line where appropriate. The time to take our health into our own hands is now.
If you’d like to take the first step on your health journey let me help you. At Eat Live we offer a 3 Day Ayurvedic Cleanse with all your meals, herbs and oil put together for you so that you can rest and support your body in it’s healing. Prioritise your health from now. Let us support you change the relationship with your health and value system – we can do this, we can use this moment of change on all fronts.
Emma-Louise Follows is London based Herbalist, Health Advocate and Lawyer. She runs Eat Live, a mission driver business focused on transforming people’s health through food and lifestyle. Contact Emma-Louise at
“When we met Dr. Jess we met not only an amazing and brilliant healer, but a compassionate, real human being who cares deeply for the health and wellness of everyone she sees as patients and those who she hasn't seen yet. After seeing over 15 doctors to help my daughter with her Lyme and Mold Dr. Jess lovingly offered to see her during my office visit. It took a few offers and then my daughter said YES. It has been the best ‘YES’ she ever said. Dr. Jess found the root cause/hidden infection which no one ever knew of who had been treating her. She said, "girl it’s your teeth I am sure of it". Sure as hell it was cavitations from wisdom teeth removal and a previous root canal. Both were extracted.
Dr. Jess brings more heart and soul to her medical field than anyone I have ever met in my years on the planet. She texts to check in on my daughter, she treats her at all hours of the day and night including X mas eve. When we tell friends we Love our Dr. their expression tells us they have never met Dr. Jess. If you meet her you fall in love with her knowledge, her kind soul and sweet spirit. She is truly a gift to the health care profession because SHE CARES. We give thanks each night for her and know that in her care healing is not only possible but will happen.”
Robin G
San Diego, CA
“I have been listening and watching Dr. Jess on Instagram for a few years. I have recently started listening to all of her advice. I have been chronically ill for years. I lost the ability to smell, I felt like a zombie, I had lost all my beliefs in myself. I finally had enough and decided it was time to reflect and put all of Dr. Jess's shared plethora of knowledge to work. In the last 6 weeks my body, soul, and heart have weakened. I feel love again. And for myself. I have opened my detox pathways and adopted a much healthier lifestyle. The things that have healed in 6 weeks:
My hair is growing and filling in. I was going bald. My forehead was HUGE. Pores are shrinking. My muscles are more defined. I can feel. My body was very numb to touch. I got goosebumps for the 1st time in forever The cracks on my feet are healing. The foot skin is completely better. My facial hair (I’m a woman) is thinning. My feet have shrunk drastically. I have balance. I have stamina. My nails are no longer brittle. My joints don’t hurt anymore. I’m 34. I wake up with energy. I’m not swamped after one task. I no longer have night sweats. I can dream. I feel awake and refreshed. I am in control of myself. Not my cravings. I CAN SMELL AGAIN. I have eye boogers again. Had no discharge for at least 8 months. My chronic cough is gone. I can inhale deeply. I don’t feel the need to self-medicate through my stress with food, alcohol, or marijuana. I no longer leak urine when moving. I used to barely make it to the toilet only to start peeing when I saw it. The skin darkness in my body folds (armpits groin etc.) is lighter. My hemorrhoids are shrinking and don’t bleed. I had a horrible bladder prolapse after my first child. My vagina no longer feels like squish. I have an actual vaginal canal again. It’s been 9 years. And two more large babies. I can hear. The edema in my ear is gone. My inner ear feels open. It was so swollen. Brain fog is gone. My ketosis pilarias is dissipating. I RAN A MILE. and it was easy. My cravings are gone. Fruit is so sweet. My facial and body swelling is disappearing. I have lost inches and almost 30 lbs. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY.... I love and respect myself. I finally recognized ME.
THANK YOU, DR. JESS. YOU HAVE HELPED ME FEEL ALIVE. It’s as if the world is slowly becoming that Pixar movie WALL-E. I have healed so many traumas and you are one person that has genuinely made a difference in MY LIFE. THANK YOU
Summer M
San Diego, CA
“After years of bouncing from doctor to doctor and spending thousands of dollars on testing and supplements with no real improvement, after one session with Dr. Jess, she was able to immediately identify the root cause, which was mold. Not one medical professional, Western or functional, that I had seen ever mentioned it. Sure enough, I discovered mold in my home and did testing to discover mycotoxins in my body. After following Dr. Jess’s protocol, I started to feel better and see drastic improvements. She is one of the most compassionate medical practitioners I’ve ever met and by far one of the smartest. I feel lucky to have been able to become a patient and look forward to our follow-ups, which thankfully have become farther and farther apart as I’m healing. I credit her for finally putting me on the right path.
Robin D
Miami, FL
“When we met Dr. Jess we met not only an amazing and brilliant healer, but a compassionate, real human being who cares deeply for the health and wellness of everyone she sees as patients and those who she hasn't seen yet. After seeing over 15 doctors to help my daughter with her Lyme and Mold Dr. Jess lovingly offered to see her during my office visit. It took a few offers and then my daughter said YES. It has been the best ‘YES’ she ever said. Dr. Jess found the root cause/hidden infection which no one ever knew of who had been treating her. She said, "girl it’s your teeth I am sure of it". Sure as hell it was cavitations from wisdom teeth removal and a previous root canal. Both were extracted.
Dr. Jess brings more heart and soul to her medical field than anyone I have ever met in my years on the planet. She texts to check in on my daughter, she treats her at all hours of the day and night including X mas eve. When we tell friends we Love our Dr. their expression tells us they have never met Dr. Jess. If you meet her you fall in love with her knowledge, her kind soul and sweet spirit. She is truly a gift to the health care profession because SHE CARES. We give thanks each night for her and know that in her care healing is not only possible but will happen.”
Robin G
San Diego, CA
“In my journey living with a severe anxiety/panic disorder, one of the greatest things to ever happen to me was stumbling upon Dr Jess MD. She is a woman of great wisdom. One of her sayings that she lives and practices by is "There are only 4 reasons you are sick: 1. Hidden infections (bacteria, viruses, parasites). 2. Heavy metals. 3. Environmental toxins (plastics, mold) 4. Emotional trauma.
Most of the time, chronically ill individuals have more than one of these. After all of these seriously impact our immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine systems and more. It took me months of following her educational IG stories and posts to begin putting together the steps towards my healing. I have learned so much about gently and slowly opening up our body's detox pathways before moving in with natural treatments to target pathogens and toxins. I have learned so much about sweating and Dr Jess's Kill-bind-sweat protocol. She is just a wealth of knowledge, an angel who gives so much free education, resources, and empowerment. One of her phrases is "be your own best doctor"and she gives you detailed starting point for embarking on that journey. I have never stopped believing that for myself as well as for those who have been unsupported by the western medical system.
Erica R
“I had been dealing with Lyme, mold and many other issues for about 10 years and started following Dr. Jess on Instagram. I began to learn more about kill, bind, sweat and how lyme and mold play a huge roll in healing if you are not killing, binding and sweating every day. Last year, I began getting severe pain every month, ended up in the ER 3 times in one month and had severe fatigue. I had my first consult with Dr. Jess around this time and within 30 min of a 60 min consult she knew exactly what was going on. She told me my liver wasn't processing out estrogen and my adrenals were shot. Not once had any other doctor mentioned this (I was seeing two functional medical doctors at the time). I started on her protocol and I haven't experienced that pain since! Dr. Jess has the ability to see the body as a whole and piece symptoms together for an overall protocol that meets the needs of a particular individual. She truly is a god-send to the chronicle illness world and especially for those of us who have seen multiple doctors over many years. Thank you Dr. Jess for continuing to educate and help us with our healing!”
Tina A
San Diego, CA
“I was lucky enough to have a consult with Dr. Jess in the Fall of 2019 that changed the course of my health forever. Suffering from adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, and a hormonal balance for years, I could not find a doctor who could put those pieces together and help me. I was taking unnecessary and counterproductive medications, had no energy, and was an anxious mess. After hearing my history Dr. Jess was able to quickly and effectively suggest supplements and lifestyle changes to encourage my body’s healing. In just a month of following her protocol I felt the best I had in years and just a full year later stopped taking the medications and supplements because I no longer needed them. She was able to determine the root cause of my issues, and not only was I able to heal, but she changed my entire outlook on health/healing which has impacted my family’s health immeasurably. I am so grateful to have found her and wish everybody a life-changing opportunity.”
Allison M
San Diego, CA
“I was diagnosed with Thyroid in 2015. Prior to finding Dr. Jess, I was suffering from extreme pain and fatigue. The worst of it would be about a week before my period, the pain would shoot down my legs making it unbearable to move. I often needed to take tramadol to keep me somewhat functioning. But thanks to Dr. Jess's clean and impressive formulation in her Thyroid and Hormone Master, I barely know that it’s that time of the month at all - with no pain and very little fatigue! My results were almost immediate.
Because for years I had tried everything and anything with no results.
Her Instagram page is loaded with free information to help you create a holistic lifestyle and to learn how to keep yourself, your family and your home safe and healthy. I've implemented several of the things she suggests and I am feeling the benefits. From what I've observed over the past year and a half of following Dr. Jess, she is very giving of herself, her time and her
medical knowledge. And clearly incredibly passionate about helping and educating everyone.
She is also very kind and caring with a wonderful personality.
I have nicknamed her The Peoples Dr.
A very thankful person,
Lori P
Albuquerque, NM
“Dear Dr. Jessica Peatross “The Original”,
Thank you so much for teaching me about Kill. Bind. Sweat and so much more. You have been one of my best friends on my health journey. I look forward to meeting you one day. Thank you for everything you are doing and for teaching me so much!
With love,”
Martine V
San Diego, CA
“Hi, my name is Mariam Refaat. I started seeing Dr. Jess a year ago, as well as my two daughters who started seeing her 3 months ago. We all suffer from a lot of chronic health issues like autoimmune disease, Lyme, mold and other health issues. There are truly no words that can describe Dr. Jess. She’s an angel sent from God to deliver His healing power and wipe away many tears and years of suffering from illnesses. She simply knows her stuff, she cares, she’s genuine and has the patient’s best interest at heart. Prior to seeing Dr. Jess, I had been treated by many doctors, but there was always a missing link of why I always hit a wall in my healing, that none of them could figure out. I can now say that I’m so much better and getting closer and closer to feeling like a normal and healthy person, not bed ridden seeing life passing by.
Myself and my daughters are so blessed to have Dr. Jess in our lives and looking forward to getting better and better and healthier.
Download our free resource to learn how to support immune balance, soothe the nervous system/brain and support detoxification to reduce risks of adverse effects and enhance the response to most vaccines, ensuring adequate antibody response.