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Thursday, June 18th, 2020

Lumps, Bumps and Body Shame

For over a year now, I have been regularly seeing Tamara Renee or her employees over at The Body Lab in La Jolla, California. She has radically changed my body for the better. Its easy to assess others’ health, but sometimes your own is a bit more elusive, which was the case for me. As […]

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Food and Herbs to Destroy H. Pylori, the Bacterium Responsible for Acid Reflux and Stomach Cancer

H. pylori is a helical or corkscrew-shaped bacterium that affects 50% of the American population and up to two-thirds of the rest of the world. This little bug is classified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization as well as the International Agency for Research. It is strongly linked to developing stomach problems such […]

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

Black Health Matters-4 Action Steps For Restoring Your Health

Black Health Matters – 4 Action Steps For Restoring Your Health It’s a difficult time for the black community. We are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 with black people being twice as likely to die. At a time when many of us are trying to shield ourselves from catching the virus we now feel called to […]

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Glyphosate And its Effects on the Body: A Review of Dr Seneff’s Work

Concerning Round-Up ready’s claims:     While correlation is not causation, the trends are very revealing and troublesome. Glyphosate works synergistically with aluminum, which is present in certain foods, vaccines, and water, to induce neurological damage. Monsanto asserts that in vivo studies show Round-Up is non-toxic to animals. There are two primary problems with this […]

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Epstein Barr Virus: The Stealth Infection That Causes Autoimmunity to Cancer

What is Epstein Barr virus (EBV)? We’ve already learned from Jeffrey that most Epstein’s are predatory, and this one is no different. EBV is a human herpesvirus 4, which are some of the most contagious and common pathogens around. It is responsible for infectious mononucleosis, also known as glandular fever, or the kissing disease. The […]

Saturday, May 16th, 2020

Hormonal Problems? Could It Be an Estrogen Dominance?

Estrogen vs progesterone and effects on the body Estrogen increases cellular growth, especially in the uterus during the first part of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen also stimulates the maturation of the egg-containing follicle in the ovary. It is responsible for keeping the cervix the right consistency for possible implantation via the sperm. When it is in […]

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Best Treatment for Endometriosis Might be Cannabis

What is the endocannabinoid system? Let me explain a little about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system so that you can understand the science behind this misunderstood plant. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was never something we were taught about in medical school. It happens to run from your brain to your bowels…and the receptors, known as […]

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Naturally Treating the Thyroid with Diet

What does the thyroid do? The thyroid is frequently overlooked, but it is a critical organ to the overall functioning of your body. It is located in the middle of the lower neck, and it produces hormones that influence every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. It controls your energy levels and regulates metabolism. […]

Monday, May 11th, 2020

The Best Healthy Habit You Can Work on Starting Today

Lifestyle choices: mindset matters “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” Henry David Thoreau Now, armed with this information, take initiative to audit your subconscious mind and begin to take ownership of what is happening under the hood. Sleep, wholesome food, hydration, and other such lifestyle choices are undoubtedly integral […]

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Your Brain on Glyphosate + Recovery Techniques

The far-reaching effects of brain disease 30 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. In the United States, 5.3 million people suffer from this specific dementia. That’s one in 8 Americans over the age fo 65. This number doesn’t even include other neurocognitive disorders like Parkinson’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), autism, […]

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